Embedding a YouTube Playlist in Google Sites

A colleague of mine, Ms. Mac, shared a fun fact that I was unaware of. Rather than linking a YouTube playlist to a Google Site, she shared with me how you can actually have the YouTube playlist be embedded on a page in a Google Site.

The Process
The video below will walk you through step by step on how you can embed a YouTube playlist on a page in Google Sites.

Why I prefer this approach?
Now I know the end result is the same no matter which approach you use, whether you embed a YouTube Playlist or provide a link to the Playlist. However, when it comes to YouTube Playlist, I like…

  • how the user stays on your website to view the important content
  • the ability of viewing the other videos by clicking on the icon on the top left corner
  • that the website is not full of individual embedded videos
  • that the user can find the videos easily (instead of searching for a link somewhere on the page to click on)
If you would like help on how to make a YouTube playlist, let me know and I can assist.