Google Classroom: Return Assignments, Archive Classes & Reuse Posts

Here are some good reminders to Google Classroom, especially at the end of a semester.

Returning Assignments to Students
Since we do not use Google Classroom for reporting out grades to students, we can easily forget to return assignments to students. As a good practice, once assessment has been completed, assignments should be returned to students.

Step 1: Select the assignment you want to return to students

Step 2: Select which students you want to return the assignment to. If you want the assignment to be returned to all students, select the checkbox at the top left. Then select the Return button.

NOTE: If there are only 1 or 2 students you don’t want to return the assignment to, select the checkbox at the top left and unselect the few students that should not get the assignment back.

Archiving Classes No Longer In Session
If you no longer need the class because the semester or the year has ended, you can archive the class. This not only will hide the classes you no longer need but it will also save all of the assignments you have pushed out to your students.

Step 1: Make sure assignments have been returned to students that were sent through Google Classroom.

Step 2: From the main classes view (once you first get into Google Classroom) select the three dot button on the top right corner of the class and select Archive.

You will get a message asking you if you are sure you want to archive a class. This class will not be deleted, instead it will show up in the Archive section of Google Classroom.

My class called “Demo class #2” is now located in the Archived Classes section. (Notice that there is a fence like look to the header of the class.)
NOTE: You do have the option to move this class out of the archived section if you had a need for it by clicking on the three dot menu.

You also still have access to the drive documents that were shared in the class by clicking on the Drive Folder icon on the bottom right corner of the class.

Reuse Posts For Future Classes
Don’t forget that Google implemented a great feature with being able to reuse posts from previous classes. Don’t worry about the date and time of the original assignment you pushed out the previous semester or year, as you are able to customize the new post. But why reinvent the entire assignment if nothing major has changed. Below are the steps to Reuse a post.

Step 1: Open up the class that you want to add a post to. Then click on the plus sign at the bottom right corner and select Reuse post.

Step 2: Then select the class that the original post is located and hit the select button.

Step 3: Locate the actual post you want to reuse. You will notice on the bottom left corner you have the option to have Google Classroom create new copies of the attachments. Then hit the reuse button.

Step 4: Feel free to make any changes you want to make to the assignment post. You can add new attachments, delete original attachments, assign new descriptions, etc.

Of course, if you have any questions with using Google Classroom, don’t be afraid to ask!

Setting Up Conference Meetings using Google Calendar

Many of us can relate to having students sign up for a one-on-one conference with students for a particular project/assignment. Many of us passed around a sheet of paper and students signed up by putting their name on a piece of paper. Many of us had students email times that were good until we found a time that worked out great. There is nothing wrong with either of the above mentioned methods. However Google Calendar can help streamline and make this process a bit more efficient as well as remind you of your meeting time.

Google Calendar has a feature called Appointment Slots with all GAFE accounts. In other words, you cannot use this approach on a personal gmail account. It is also important to understand that in order to use the method, students MUST have a gmail account in order to sign up for an appointment slot.

Examples of this Feature:

  • Teachers setting up meetings with students during Midterm week for oral presentations that occur out of the classroom
  • Administrators giving teachers opportunities to sign up to go over evaluations
  • Librarian giving teachers opportunities to send entire classes down to pick up a new novel or textbook (this is something that our Librarian, Mrs. Gilcreast, has set up for our teachers to help streamline the process of knowing when classes can pick up textbooks and novels).

Below are instructions to using Google Calendar Appointment Slots

Step 1: Create a Calendar
Create a calendar that is separate from the default calendar that was created (don’t use the calendar with your name on it). You might want to create a calendar called meetings or appointments.

You will add the name of the calendar, on the next window. It is also important to change the sharing permissions to anyone in your school domain. Then hit the Create Calendar button

Step 2: Create the Event
The new calendar will show up under your own calendar. Once this is done, click anywhere on the day you want to create the appointment. A pop up window will appear. Be sure to select Appointment slots at the top.

The pop up window view will change – click on Edit details to fill out all the necessary information.

Step 3: Add information to Event
Add the necessary information to your event. Make sure you also select the RIGHT calendar from the drop down.  Important to note that you create an event for the entire amount of time you are available and then determine how long you want the appointment slots to be. Google Calendar will then automatically create each of them individually.

Step 4: Sharing the Link to Calendar
The link to this calendar is provided. This is the link that you would need to put somewhere for students to access, either through Google Classroom or a Teacher Google Site. Students will not be able to view your available appointment slots unless they have this particular link. Students must be logged in with their Google account (if they are not already logged in).

Step 5: Signing Up for Appointments
Once a student clicks on the calendar link, they will see the appointments that are available. Below are the separate appointments that were created from one entry 9am – 12pm availability with 15 minute appointment slots. As students start signing up for a time, they will no longer show up.
NOTE: When you hover over an appointment, it will actually give the specific time.
NOTE: You can also sign up for your own appointments if there are times that you want to block off throughout the block of time you created.

Once the student selects a time for an appointment, a window will show up with the details before saving and accepting it. You will notice that the name of the person who is requesting the appointment will automatically show up. This will be helpful for you knowing who will be showing up.

Once the student chooses a time, the appointment will automatically show up in your Google Calendar. Just click on the appointment and you will know who requested that time slot.

If you would like further assistance with trying out this method, feel free to stop by and ask.