2023 AI Reflections

What a year 2023 has been. So much learning. So much exploring. So much thinking. It’s been a year full of investigative work with artificial intelligence, more specifically generative AI. I feel like daily I was either having conversations with others on generative AI or exploring around with how it can potentially be used in the educational space. 

Back in the Spring of 2023, I found myself attending different webinars or trainings to learn from others. At staff meetings, the administration team at my high school gave me the opportunity to share learnings and discoveries to help guide staff in what was happening in 5-10 minutes. Trying to make sense of what was really happening. The Digital Learning Specialists and Librarians in the district were trying to get as far ahead of things as best as we could. It sure was an ‘AI race’ that we were experiencing.

Our district organized an AI committee K-12 to help determine what generative AI could and should look like. We realized that converations needed to happen, that generative AI was not going any where, and needed to find a way to help guide staff and students. We found that it was easy when we were talking about potential staff integration, but much more complicated when talking about students. With all of our conversations, we constantly brought up the importance of making sure that human intelligence (HI) was at the forefront of it all whenever interacting with AI. By August, the Assistant Superintendent provided resources on our district website to share the work and direction.

I found myself co-delivering graduate level courses and webinars with Mary Marotta on generative AI for those educators who want to learn some basics to get a better understanding of what this could mean for the educational space. 

In June, I was provided the opportunity to attend ISTE in Philly. It had been at least 6 years since I had attended an ISTE conference. It was great to be able to connect with others from around the country and world again. My major focus was to attend sessions relating to generative AI. I wanted to see what others were doing in their school districts and to try and figure out how others were planning to address this topic with students. I quickly learned that what we knew was similar to what others were sharing. It was a good feeling knowing that what we were talking about and thinking about were in line with others. I also learned how fortunate we were with regards to the work that had already been accomplished from our district committee.

It’s been rewarding and fun to work with Jessica Gilcreast, the high school librarian, in figuring out how and what to train staff at the high school with. We were given the opportunity to start conversations at the beginning workshop days in August. Staff were exposed to what generative AI is, learned some basic terminology, its potential pitfalls and potential use cases. Staff learned the basics of prompt writing. We had some great conversations with teachers in finding ways that AI can support their work, not hinder or replace their work. (Our presentation was beach themed – hence the outfits) 

In addition, Jessica Gilcreast and I have been attending PLC meetings to find ways in which AI can fully support their curriculum. As we all know, what an art teacher needs is different from what a wellness teacher needs. It has been so interesting to hear how generative AI can be used, learn the different struggles each department is facing as well as learn about some hopes and wishes with the tools that they have available at their fingerprints. Not all staff are on board with generative AI but I appreciate the fact that staff are willing to listen. Needless to say, I have learned a lot and staff have as well. Still some questions to answer and consider, but we are getting there.

I also had the opportunity to speak about generative AI at the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference this past November – very first time ever keynoting at a conference. In my keynote, I talked about the elephant in the room and how that elephant in the room was myself. I explained that I by no means am an expert when it comes to generative AI. However, I’m just somebody who’s been staying curious throughout this past year trying to figure out how to navigate this ‘new world’ that we’ve been exposed to. It was a great opportunity to share the learnings and discoveries we have made throughout this journey this year. What an amazing opportunity…one that I will never forget.

Our school district also had an opportunity to share our learnings by putting together a K-12 panel at the same conference. It was a great opportunity for other school districts to learn about our process and decisions when it came to generative AI in our district as well as ask questions. It was a great experience. Pictured below is Nicole Cassamassino, Donna Dennis, Faith Crowe, Tom Laliberte, Chris O’Hara and Jessica Gilcreast.

We met with all students in the high school to start conversations about generative AI this month. This presentation was not about giving the green light for students to use AI on all of their work. Rather, a conversation about if they are going to use it, when it is appropriate to use, as well as items they should consider when interacting. Members of the school newspaper ran a quick radio interview about it HERE.

Being a Digital Learning Specialist, the job certainly never gets boring and this year is certainly no different. It has been a journey. I am thankful of the opportunity to help guide folks and learn from them as we all experience this ‘AI race’ that we are currently in. We have experienced a lot and decisions have not always been easy, but we are making the best decisions possible for what we know now. 

Jess Gilcreast and I joked at the beginning of the semester that we were participating on an AI Journey Tour visiting different PLCs. Well, she made it become a reality. Thank you to her for making these ‘concert shirts’. We certainly were busy on our tour dates…we have many more dates to come in 2024. Perhaps you will see us on a future tour date. 

I’m interested to see how things progress in 2024. 

And that is my Spiel…

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