10 Days of Google 2020

Images from a slidesgo template

Here we go…back at it for a fourth straight year. As I have done in the past, I will be sharing different tips and tricks relating to the world of Google, starting Monday, December 7, 2020. My hope is that over the course of the ten days, you will find something that is new to you that you never knew you could do with Google or a great reminder of something you knew about but yet have tried it out.

While I will be blogging each day, I will also curate all blog posts in a single Google Drawing for ease. To view this Google Drawing in another window, click HERE. If you have any tips, ideas, or suggestions, let me know! Here is to a great holiday season for you and your family and that 2020 ends on a high note.

And that is my Spiel…

Supporting Curriculum & Pedagogy

All educators can agree on one thing. It has been an interesting nine months. I support teachers in a high school where students and teachers are participating in a hybrid model. Students show up to school for a class in the morning. Then in the afternoon, they participate in remote blocks online.

Teaching remotely is still a ‘new thing’ for all of us, regardless of the fact that we went remote back in March. Let’s face it, expectations were different and the curriculum taught was also different. All educators are still trying to figure out what works and does not work in this remote setting.

In an effort to support teachers, Jess Gilcreast, high school librarian, and I decided that we should curate all of the great resources that we are discovering on Twitter and hearing about in house from our colleagues. Sometimes, just finding the right template or layout of a task can help streamline things or help make planning that much better. While, Jess and I don’t have all of the answers, our hope is that with a bit of organization we can help staff.

Continue reading “Supporting Curriculum & Pedagogy”