Good Things to Know About equatIO

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equatIO can be a good tool to get your mathematical thinking down electronically. equatIO is part of a bigger suite of tools from texthelp. There slogan relates to helping make math digital. Whether you are a teacher who uses the tool to create content for students or you have students that use the tool to demonstrate competency or submit mathematical papers, feel free to take a look at this resource that I have put together. Good Things to Know About equatIO

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Ignite Your Passion: Get to Know Each Other

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Recently, the Bedford School District ran its fourth annual Future Ready Conference. There were close to 90 different sessions that were offered throughout the professional development day, with most of them offered by staff within the district. This day happens to be the highlight of my year. Teachers are given choice in sessions that they want to attend. Teachers also learn from their own colleagues, and in some sessions, learn from students. Lots of learning, inspiration, and sharing happens on this day. It is a feel good day.

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The conference felt different this year. I believe one major factor can be attributed to the keynote this year. Staff members could be seen getting emotional as well as sharing a laugh or two. There was a panel of five people who were asked to give a 10 minute talk about their passion, hence the theme of the conference “Ignite Your Passion”. The vision was to have 5 ‘TED Talk’ like style presentations. We didn’t want presenters and participants to read from slides. We only wanted visuals for participants to look at while these speakers gave their spiel. 

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