Week 1 of #RemoteLearning

My Post

Wow! What a crazy time we are in right now. If you would have told me nine years ago when I started as a Digital Learning Specialist that we would move an entire school online in a two week period, I would have told you you were crazy. It is hard to put into words the experience. Very fortunate that we were given a full week to prepare for remote learning. As I write this blog post, we are ending our first full week.

Throughout the week, I have realized (and re-realized) a couple of things:

  • It is amazing at how different life is right now. I miss seeing my colleagues in person – there is something about waving hi, seeing how people are doing, co-planning with them. Sure a Google Meet is happening from time to time, but it is just not the same.
  • Our tech team in the district is very hard working and takes their roles very seriously with regards to making sure that the best experience is available for the entire BSD community.
  • Our teachers are willing and able to step up to challenges that are in front of them. Switching to remote learning is not a small feat by any means. It doesn’t matter how skilled or knowledgeable you are with technology. This is a lot of work for all staff. Meaningful activities to use? Screencasts to make or other video resources to use? Pacing? Lots and lots of ideas and questions are going through the minds of staff. Staff are wanting to make activities meaningful while being mindful that you can’t just do the same thing online.

Below are two ahas that happened in the first week that I would like to highlight:

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