Day 10 of Google 2018: Google Docs

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.48.21 PM.pngFor our final day of 10 Days of Google, we are going ‘back to basics’ with Google Docs. We are at a point now where not a day that goes by that we don’t open up a Google Document. Well, here are three tips that can help enhance the look of your documents.

Location of Images

Do you ever find that when you add an image to a Google Doc, it does not go where you want it to go OR you find that you can’t have it exactly in the spot that you want it? Well, have no fear! The default for all images that are added to a Google Doc is set to ‘inline’. You must make the change to allow more freedom for the image to move anywhere in the document.

Continue reading “Day 10 of Google 2018: Google Docs”

Day 9 of Google 2018: Jamboard

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.46.52 PM.pngToday happens to be about Jamboard. Jamboard is officially considered an application of G-Suite now and can be found in the ‘waffle’ icon. What is Jamboard you ask? Great question! Jamboard is a tool that allows students the ability to collaboratively work together to:

  • Mind map and brainstorm ideas
  • Determine workflow and guidelines for managing projects 
  • Collaboratively take notes
  • Draw
  • Walk through design thinking tasks and challenges
  • Character analysis of novels

The possibilities are endless. Continue reading “Day 9 of Google 2018: Jamboard”

Day 8 of Google 2018: Google Forms & Speedy Feedback

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.47.43 PM.pngToday for Day 8 of Google, we will explore Google Forms. Over the summer, I was introduced to a Google Form add-on called DocAppender and my mind was blown away with its capabilities. Here is the scenario:

  • You have asked students demonstrate their competency in some format.
  • You have also determined that it is important for the rest of the class to provide feedback on their peers work.
  • You want students to immediately see the feedback from their peers with little to no effort on your part.
  • You are scratching your head as to how to complete this task…until now. DocAppender will be your new best friend.

Continue reading “Day 8 of Google 2018: Google Forms & Speedy Feedback”

Day 7 of Google 2018: Google Classroom Grading (or lack of grading)

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.46.41 PM.pngWe are back to Google Classroom today. Most of the teachers at Bedford High School do not report grades earned through Google Classroom on assignments. Rather, they report these grades right in our student information system, PowerSchool. With the change of Google Classroom over the summer, the back end of Google classroom has thrown a couple of teachers off. More specifically, relating to returning assignments.

There is a clear difference between returning “ungraded” and “graded” assignments if a teacher does not report individual student numerical grades in Google Classroom.

Continue reading “Day 7 of Google 2018: Google Classroom Grading (or lack of grading)”

Day 6 of Google 2018: Google Slide Items

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 8.47.31 PM.pngToday we are going to into to different aspects of Google Slides.  

Changing Layout of Slides

Whenever you create a new Google Slide presentation, the presentation is defaulted to a slide layout of widescreen 16:9 ratio. You do not have to keep this layout. In fact, you can customize your size dimensions to basically whatever you want it to be. For example, we know that the following two have these specific examples:

  • Legal size paper – 8.5 inch by 11 inches
  • Instagram stories – 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels

Continue reading “Day 6 of Google 2018: Google Slide Items”