Jamboard is for Brainstorming

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In previous blog posts, I have shared different ways students have used Jamboard in their classes (blog post). One area we had yet to focus on is with staff actually using Jamboard. More specifically, using it to help brainstorm ideas for planning out curriculum. For the past two weeks, different staff members took it upon themselves to try out Jamboard for the first time. I would like to talk about one group in particular.

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Lock Mode Hack for Assessment Notes

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I am embarrassed to say that it has been several months since my last blog post. How did time get away from me? Well, there is lots to share but I will start with one idea.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a math teacher, Mr. Stackhouse, email me a statement similar to this one:

“I had my students make an electronic notebook. My thought was that they could print their slides for their ‘notecard’ to use on the assessment. This assessment is not digital. I was wondering if there was a way that we could restrict their Chromebook screens to just their electronic notebook and not have them print out the 10 slide, slide deck.”

Continue reading “Lock Mode Hack for Assessment Notes”