Day 10 of Google 2019 – Accessibility

Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 6.54.48 AM.pngOn the tenth day of Google, we will focus on accessibility. Google has been focusing a lot on accessibility and making sure that all students are able to learn and grow with the support of a Chromebook. Google has devoted a page on their website where they address accessibility.

On this page, I found a PDF file – Accessibility Flashcards. On each slide, google addresses an accessibility and the shortcut or step to initiate said accessibility feature. While you yourself might not need an accessibility feature, it is still good to know that they exist for the learners that are in your space on a daily basis.

If you have any questions, you know where to find me. HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone! And that is my Spiel…


Day 9 of Google 2019 – Formatting Tips

Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 6.53.39 AM.pngFor the ninth day of Google, we will focus on formatting tips and tricks. Have to admit, I did not know about any of these until most recently. It is all about unlearning what you have always done to learn something new. These tips will most certainly save you some time in the future.

Working with Text

Ever find yourself in a situation where you were typing and didn’t realize that you had the caps locks on and had to retype everything? Well, you no longer need to do such a thing. In fact, with text that has already been typed, you can change it to any of the following by highlighting the text:

  • lowercase
  • Title Case

To make this happen, highlight text, select format menu, followed by text and capitalization menus. Very simple, yet extremely helpful.


Continue reading “Day 9 of Google 2019 – Formatting Tips”

Day 8 of Google 2019 – Locked Mode w/ Chromebook

Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 6.54.38 AMOn this eighth day of Google, we will focus on how students can participate in activities on their Chromebook while in ‘locked mode’. In particular, I want to focus on two different features: Locked mode with Google Forms and Desmos Calculator.

Locked Mode with Google Forms

Google has recognized that teachers would like students to be able to complete assessments online without access to searching the web. This can pertain to a formative activity, summative activity or timed writings. In order to use this feature, students must have a Chromebook that is managed by the school district.

Continue reading “Day 8 of Google 2019 – Locked Mode w/ Chromebook”

Day 7 of Google 2019 – Google Sheets

Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 6.53.26 AM.pngOn this seventh day of Google, we will be taking a look at a couple of Google Sheet features.

Images in a Cell

I will have to admit, in the past, I always struggled with fitting images in a cell of a Google Sheet. For whatever reason, I was not able to get things where I wanted them on a first try. Well, Google has solved this problem. Under the “Insert” menu, you will now find “Image in a Cell” when you hover over “Image”.

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Customize Graphs

Next, we will take a look a graphs. In the past, you did not have the freedom to truly customize the looks of your graphs or charts. You now can click on items to move around, change font, style, etc. To initiate any changes, click on different areas of the graph. Then, a column on the right side will show up for you to make the edits that you want to make.


If you have any questions with the items listed above, you know where to find me. And that is my Spiel…

Day 6 of Google 2019 – Google Slides & Audio

Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 6.54.26 AMThe sixth day of Google focuses on how you can use Google Slides for podcasting or having background audio playing while presenting.

Audio in Slides

For several months, Google has been promising the ability to insert audio files in Google Slides. Have no fear, the time is finally here.

To insert an audio file, go to the ‘Insert’ menu, followed by ‘Audio’. Select the audio file from your Google Drive. You will notice that you are only able to insert audio files that live in your Google Drive. They must also have a file type of .mp3. If you have an mp4 file, you will not be able to upload to a slide.

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Continue reading “Day 6 of Google 2019 – Google Slides & Audio”